
At ElleHacks 2020, my team created an approachable iOS companion app that would teach young adults to recognize their emotions using natural language processing and provide resources to develop emotional intelligence.


  • Research
  • Prototyping
  • Business Model


  • 36 Hours


Many existing therapy apps on the iOS app store have limited input options for the user, are poorly rated, and don't provide resources to alleviate loneliness. We noticed, that while the audience of the therapy apps faced restrictions in expressing themselves, they were inquisitive and continued to track their emotions.

The goal is to give students and young adults an experience that was simple, reduced input friction, and provided resources to navigate different emotions.

My Work

I conducted market research and competitive analysis. Using the pain points and constraints I focused on the flow of conversation between the app and users. I also prototyped the final product, and developed a scalable business plan.


Track Emotions

Understanding emotions helps us manage them. By being aware, we can make informed decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative emotions, and communicate clearly to get support.

Provide Resources

Learning how to manage emotions can have positive outcomes despite negative emotions. Resources can offer: reflection, perspective, acceptance, and help in making rational choices.

Reduce Input Limitations

Understanding emotions helps us manage them. By being aware, we can make informed decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative emotions, and communicate clearly to get support.

Identify Patterns

Learning how to manage emotions can have positive outcomes despite negative emotions. Resources can offer: reflection, perspective, acceptance, and help in making rational choices.


What do people think about loneliness?

Starting post-secondary means leaving behind valuable support systems. We wanted to understand how students dealt with this.

Target Users

We were most interested in people between the ages of 18-34. Students are the most vulnerable to loneliness.


We relied on two international students in the group for insights & validated assumptions using research.



Nearly 70% of students felt lonely over the past year.


Culprits include losing childhood friends & seeing picture-perfect social media posts.


40% of Canadians say they wish they had someone to talk to, but do not.


A change of environment can help combat feelings of isolation.

Chart 1
A change of environment can help combat feelings of isolation.
Chart 2
Culprits include losing childhood friends & seeing picture-perfect social media posts.
Some days, the only person she talks to is the takeout delivery guy.

What other solutions already exist?

We need to understand which apps users are gravitating towards. What benefits do these applications provide? What are the disadvantages?

Self-help, therapy, and meditation apps are aimed to help people with their mental health.

Key Points


Young adults are looking to vent and release emotions without relying on pre-existing support systems.


We want to focus on companionship rather than therapy to help alleviate loneliness.


Mental health apps provide the tools for mental success but do not address and relieve emotions being experienced in the moment.


Many apps restrict input options. Users feel the system is robotic, limited, and cold.


What makes WoeBot an award-winning app?

Woebot strives to coach users through chats and “offers insights and skills to help them grow into their best self.” Woebot aims to help users with everyday stress and anxiety & loneliness. Why Woebot? Because its the most downloaded therapy app & has won several awards.

Competitor Deck 1Competitor Deck 2


  • Daily check-ins with pre-filled answers
  • Uses Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help identify feelings
  • Links to external quizzes & videos to support discovery of thoughts
  • Remembers user’s history of past feelings and conversations


  • Asks too many questions: feels overwhelming
  • Restricted responses feel robotic and limited
  • Conversation flow is not natural, users may feel disconnected
  • Only focused on therapeutic solutions

Developing a persona and early sketches

Eden is a 22 year old moving away from his family to San Francisco to start his full-time career.
We worked on initial flows to determine how users would interact with the application with the least possible friction.
Prototype Intro

1. Personalized Question

Prompt is focused on the user. UX writing similar to how friends and family would encourage and stimulate conversation.

2. Audio Input

Talking removes barriers, allowing the user to share raw feelings. Conversation starts with single button and feels natural.

3. History

Creates "journal-like" experience for users to track, revisit, and learn from their emotional history.

4. Recommendations

Insightful recommendations are accessible regardless of user's daily input. They will help the user learn about what to do in various emotional states.

Getting Familiar

Getting Familiar

Understanding the user will allow the algorithm to create recommendations based on their preferences.

Going Beyond the Emotions

Going Beyond the Emotions

Resources based on emotions identified in a conversation, but are also accessible in the main navigation.

Various Use Cases

Various Use Cases

Ami offers text input. Users can text if they require or prefer chatting instead of using the voice function.

Identifying Emotions

Through ML (sentiment analysis), Ami identifies that Eden is excited and celebrates with him.

Why is this important?

  • When referring to history for recommendations
  • Helps recognize emotional patterns
  • Over time, creates self-awareness
  • Equipped with tools to develop emotional intelligence

Tracking Emotions

Ami further helps Eden with identifying the emotions its responding to Eden with.

Why is this helpful?

  • Idea of “talking to yourself like you're talking to a friend”
  • Help understand despite experiencing negative emotions, they must be kind to themselves.
  • Users are able to talk, chat, vent, track, acquire resources, and learn from Ami.
Style Guide
Brand Identity Kit

Invisioning Ami's growth potential


Companies such as Spotify and Headspace can be embedded to suggest recommendations for their products and services that are catered towards our users' needs. Other revenue streams can include affiliate links, streaming services, destinations (museums/cafe's). By using this model we can easily add more sponsorships from a diverse range of services.


What could Ami look like in the future?

Ami can be expanded into products through smart home appliances. Implementation in voice assistant devices, such as Google Home or Amazon Echo, Ami can deliver an impactful flow of conversation.

Lessons learned and improvements


Ami was a thrilling experience and I'm really glad we were able to complete research, designs, and prototypes within 36 hours. To validate our solution, I would conduct surveys, user interviews, and spend more resources to gain insights on our target audience to validate our problem space. I would facilitate usability tests between each prototyping stage to test the ideas.