Nokia Design System

I conduct research, identify growth opportunities, expand component libraries, write documentation and create the public launch strategy of the Nokia Design System.


  • Design Systems
  • UX Design
  • Motion Design


  • Ongoing


The Nokia Design System helps to drive and deliver components across 3 different libraries which are fully themed, tokenized, and accessible.

I conduct research in various phases to identify how the design system is supporting application designers. So far, my research has led me to expand documentation for two existing libraries - Maps & Charts. It’s also led to the creation of a new Advanced Prototype Library and I’ve reconfigured information architecture for new and existing users. Currently I’m researching and iterating on the contribution and reward model.


Some things I’ve worked on:

  • Component libraries (Core, Charts, Advanced Prototyping of Core Components)
  • Documentation research and improvements
  • Developer & designer guides
  • Illustration library
  • Design principles
  • Contribution + reward model
  • Defining processes and content organization
  • Public launch strategy
Docs Home
Docs Get Started
Docs Support
Docs Components Chart
Docs Components Bubble


In my first four months, I was a Student Ambassador for Canadian students. I led monthly meetings, workshops, and created opportunities to network. Community and sharing knowledge is important to me. I brought this to the students by organizing guest speakers each month, featuring senior executives from different departments to share their career journey with the students.

Community Figjam
Community Design Week


Within my team, I wanted to bring my passion of culture and community to each interaction. Each month since January I’ve:

  • facilitated knowledge sharing sessions
  • hosted design challenges
  • ran growth strategy workshops
  • onboarded the next set of interns

To bring Nokia’s work to the Toronto community, I hosted a Design Systems Panel as a part of Toronto Tech Week.

I’m now organizing Nokia’s first (and hopefully annual 🤞🏼) Design Week event. This involves everything from inception - creating the theme, finding speakers, the branding, and anything else you can imagine.

Tech Week Photo 1Tech Week Photo 2

What my colleagues have to say

“Purnima has become a great member of our team. She has shown strong initiative in driving and executing community efforts around the design system, she’s effectively led research and interviews with our users and she’s been pivotal in helping start our first-ever design week event. The work Purnima has done in a short time here on the team has helped the group as a whole mature and create a world-class system that moves beyond buttons and patterns.”
- Ian, UX Lead @ Nokia

“Purnima has become a key member of the design system team and has been pleasure to work with. She has done an excellent job at leading our community engagement efforts with initiative and dedication. Purnima has also done great work on the design system, including implementing an advanced motion library for our components. Her work has been crucial in advancing adoption and elevating the design system.”
- Pauline, UX Designer @ Nokia

“Purnima is an amazing team member who played a crucial role in my onboarding and served as an outstanding mentor. Her dedication to fostering community is evident through the numerous workshops and events she has lead within the organization, as well as her active presence in the design community. Her initiatives have strengthened the sense of community among the team, showcasing her enthusiasm for building meaningful connections with everyone.”
- Fianna, UX Design Intern @ Nokia